Monday, October 14, 2013

week 3

This week for my 20 percent project we are going to re-record the interview using Alex camera because last week when she interviewed me I only esponded with short answers. Abril will borrow her camera over the weekend or on the weekday and edit it on her laptop. when she's done with the editing she'll tell us how it went and if we we need to do it again than we will. Im pretty I did pretty well and she wont need to edit much. when thats done we each have a part to do on our website and we'll do it and fix what we need to to fir, add or improve. we'll keep in touch over the phone because we dont want any of us to fall behing on our project. when were done with that well go over eachother's part and adjust little details or whatever we feel is needed to make it better.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

week 2

This week for my 20% project I'll be meeting up with my group members after school on Friday and they'll be interviewing me and asking me questions on how to stay fit. well be using Alex camera and Nadia and Abril will be helping with the record and thinking of the questions their going to ask me. After we record Abril will borrow Alex camera, edit the video and modify it to make it better,and delate the parts that I mess up on.when she's done editing she'll return the camera back to Alex on Monday. Abril will post it on the website so we'll all be able to see it all edited. from there we can comment on the video and give her feedback on what we like and what we don't like. on Monday well discuss about the video and what else we want for our third week of the twenty percent project.